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Last week, i was doing a PSD to wordpress CMS work. There was a footer menu, in which pages are separated by a horizontal line. I just simply listed the pages and added line as border in CSS.

#nav li a{border-right: 1px solid #ccc;}

But the client said they want a ‘printer friendly’ menu seperated with “|” symbol.

a menu like this:

Home  |   About  |  Contact 

The list pages function, displays only as a list, ie it adds html tag <li&> and </li&> to every elements. It will result only vertical list with bullets if css is disabled.

There is a way to remove thos “li”s. using the the preg_replace php function

here is the code to display wordpress pages separated with |

<a href="/">

<?php $pages = wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&echo=0');
$pages = preg_replace('%

  • ]+)>%U',' | ', $pages);
    $pages = str_replace('
  • ','', $pages);
    echo $pages; ?>

    This will replace li with span and ‘|’. This can be used to add more tags like divs or span in the page list.

    same code can be used with list category function also

    It snowed in the Sahara desert

    Yaa, It is true. On February 18, 1979, snow fell in that desert. No records indicate that Sahara Desert had snowed there before or since. . .


    Don’t worry, It quickly melted.

    If you are using a free wordpress theme, you may find some bad codes in the footer.php file. No problem, it is not a virus. It is the encrypted footer.

    Many of the free WordPress themes comes with encrypted footer. It contains the credit links to the auther. The authors are encrypting this to avoid link removal. Those themes are made free for you because of these credit links. Many theme authers will encrypt this. The encrypted footer causes many problem.  For many applications like google analytics, Payperpost etc. a code is need to be pasted in footer. The encrypted footer will not  allow this.


    In such cased you need not change the template. Here is a way for Removing WordPress Theme Footer Encryption.
    Step1: Log-in to wp-admin and Go to

    On the right side of the editor, you will find many files like archieves.php, header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php, index.php etc. Go to main index template by clicking on index.php

    In some themes there may be a file called Home.php In such themes, go to edit that file.

    At the end of that file you can find a code:

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Change it into:

    <!--Footer code starts here-->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    <!--Footer code ends here-->

    Then Open the site. Then view the source code. It can be viewed by clicking View -> Source (in explorer) or  View -> Page Source (in firefox).  At the end you can see some code between the 2 strings.

    <!--Footer code starts here-->
        footer code
    <!--Footer code ends here-->

    Copy the code between<!–Footer code starts here–> and<!–Footer code ends here–> and paste it to the footer.php in the theme editor.
    U decoded it. Now you can paste Google analytics code in the footer. Or web site tracker or code from to find how many people online.

    One more thing, Don’t forget to add “wp_footer()” function. Some plugins have to add some php codes in the footer. Such plugins won’t work if ther’s no wp_footer function.  It’s easy. Just paste

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    before </body> tag.

    Make sure that  you are not removing the credit links or sponsor links. Because you are enjoying a free theme because of that link (Be honest). These links will not cause any problem for your blog.

    Some authers allow removal of such links by paying a small amount to them.

    In some themes there may a widget enabled footer. In such themes after decoding you will get static code. In such cases find the code for widgets from wordpress support forum.

    Ferrari Aurea

    Ferrari Aurea

    Keeping cars from collision

    Every minute, on average, at least one person dies in a crash. If you read this article from start to finish,
    30 or more deaths will have occurred across the globe by the time you are done. Auto accidents
    will also injure at least 10 million people this year, two or three million of them seriously.

    All told, the hospital bills, damaged property, and other costs will add up to 1–3 percent of the world’s gross domestic product, according to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and  development. For the United States alone, the tally will amount to roughly US $200 billion. And, of course, thelosses that matter most are not even captured by these statistics,
    because there’s no way to put a dollar value on them.
    Engineers have been chipping away at these staggering numbers
    for a long time. Air bags and seat belts save tens of thousands
    of people a year. Supercomputers now let designers create
    car frames and bodies that protect the people inside by
    absorbing as much of the energy of a crash as possible. As a
    result, the number of fatalities per million miles of vehicle travel
    has decreased. But the ultimate solution, and the only one that
    will save far more lives, limbs, and money, is to keep cars from
    smashing into each other in the first place.
    That is exactly what engineers in the United States, Europe,
    and Japan are trying to do. They are applying advanced microprocessors,
    radars, high-speed ICs, and signal-processing chips
    and algorithms in R&D programs that mark an about-face in the
    automotive industry: from safety systems that kick in after an accident
    occurs, attempting to minimize injury and damage, to ones
    that prevent collisions altogether.
    The first collision-avoidance features are already on the
    road, as pricey adaptive cruise control options on a small
    40 group of luxury cars. Over the next few years, these systemswill grow more capable and more widely available, until they
    become standard equipment on luxury vehicles. Meanwhile,
    researchers will be bringing the first cooperative safety systems
    to market. These will raise active safety technology to the next
    level, enabling vehicles to communicate and coordinate responses
    to avoid collisions. Note that to avoid liability claims in the event
    of collisions between cars equipped with adaptive cruise control
    systems, manufacturers of these systems and the car companies
    that use them are careful not to refer to them as safety devices.
    Instead, they are being marketed as driver aids, mere conveniences
    made possible by new technologiesFurther in the future, developments by private research groups
    and publicly funded entities such as the U.S. Department of
    Transportation’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint
    Program Office, and Japan’s Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway
    System Research Association, may make driving a completely
    automated experience. Communication among sensors and
    processors embedded not only in vehicles but in roads, signs, and
    guard rails are expected to let cars race along practically bumper
    to bumper at speeds above 100 km/h while passengers snooze,
    read, or watch television.

    History of search engines

    The grandfather of all search engines
    called Archie can be traced way back to
    1990 created by Alan Emtage, a student at
    McGill University in Montreal. That was a
    time when the primary modus operandi
    of sharing fi les across the network was
    File Transfer Protocol (FTP). In this method,
    anyone who has to share a fi le would run
    a service called FTP server. A user requiring
    this fi le would connect to the PC using
    another program called FTP client. The
    availability of fi les for sharing would be
    divulged by posting on discussion forums
    or mailing lists in what could be termed as
    the Internet, equivalent to word of mouth.
    Later, anonymous FTP sites came into being
    allowing users to post or retrieve the fi les.
    Archie changed all this by combining a
    script-based gatherer, which would scour
    the FTP sites creating indexes of the fi les on
    its run. The regular expression matcher of it
    allowed the users to access its database.
    If Archie is called the grandfather of
    search engines then Veronica can rightly be
    called the grandmother. This search engine
    was developed in 1993 at the university of
    Nevada System Computing Services Group.
    It was a lot similar to Archie but worked on
    Gopher fi les. Gopher is a service akin to FTP
    but comprises plain text documents.
    Matthew Gray’s World Wide Web
    Wanderer, the mother of search engines,
    was the fi rst to employ the “robot” concept.
    A robot is essentially a software program
    designed to access all web pages using
    the links found in the web pages already
    accessed. Though it was fi rst designed to
    count the number of web servers, later it
    started capturing URLs as it went along
    creating the fi rst web database called
    Wandex. Mathew Gray’s wanderer fueled
    the development of many more robot-based
    search engines, many of which power
    today’s search engines.
    Types of search engin

    Page ranking

    The success of a search engine is measured
    by the relevance of its search results. This
    fi nal job of displaying the search results
    in your web browser is handled by the
    page-ranking component of a search
    engine. People who dabble in search engine
    optimization make it their task to fi gure
    out ways to program web pages so as to
    enable them to show up within the fi rst 10
    results of a search query. Hence, unraveling
    the secrets of the algorithms employed by
    the search engines can help enthusiasts
    create pages with the high rankings.
    Although the inner details of the
    algorithms employed by the search engines
    are not publicly available, the manner
    in which the results are displayed gives
    some insight into the criteria used for
    ranking pages. These tell-tale signs could
    be the title of the web page, headings,
    links of titles within a page, frequency and
    prominence of a word on a page, popularity
    of a link, freshness of information on that
    page, etc.
    Some users employ devious means
    to wrongfully create pages to appear at
    the higher ranks in a search query even
    though the page might not contain
    relevant information. This is known
    as “spamdexing”. People who practise
    spamdexing are called search engine
    spammers. There is a subtle difference
    between search engine optimization and
    spamdexing. Spamdexing is more of a
    crooked art aimed at misleading search
    engines while SEO is the art of adding
    quality-rich results to a search query, in
    such a way that the page gets listed by
    way of its own merit. There is a downside
    though to spamdexing which makes the
    spammers wary—if the search engine
    concludes that a particular page has
    resorted to deceitful means to enhance
    its ranking, the particular site can be
    blacklisted and not considered in the
    future. The golden rule is that a page gets
    listed only if it has original quality content.

    Analyzing handwriting or writing style
    have been considered an art so far. But
    with the advent of a calligraphy-deducing
    application developed by Virginia-based
    Gannon Technologies Group, the practice will
    acquire a more scientifi c approach.
    Gannon Technologies unveiled their
    technology at the annual meeting of
    American Association for the Advancement
    of Science, where they were armed with a
    dozen computers and a database of 500
    handwriting samples, all of which were
    reproductions of a single paragraph titled
    “London Letter”. The company claims that
    their application can differentiate varied
    forms of handwriting while simultaneously
    matching different samples of the
    handwriting of the same person.

    Here, the key functional area is statistical
    analysis. From size to curvature gradation
    of each and every character, the instrument
    measures more than 200 different
    parameters of a letter or a digit. Currently,
    the group is also attributing a substantial
    amount in research and development to
    prove that the technology attains the same
    accuracy level as that of DNA analysis.
    It is felt that this technology of
    evaluation will assign a scientifi c precision
    to the forensic investigators’ or document
    examiners’ efforts. Presently, this discerning
    is solely dependent on manual skills to judge
    and draw a conclusion on whether a writing
    style presumed to be somebody’s is truly
    his. But the prosecutors can challenge these
    conclusions as they are aware about the fuzz
    factor and the lack of proper technology to
    substantiate such arguments. However,
    with the new technology in hand, the
    handwriting experts should calibrate
    their scale of opinions ranging from
    “certainty”, “highly probable”, “merely
    probable” and “no conclusion” to
    something more specifi c and fi gurative.

    I am JOSE

    I am Jose Thomas. This is my first post.